
ConclaveDAO is a team of passionate blockchain nerds and developers with cutting edge understanding and exceptional problem-solving skills. Our mission is to empower web2 businesses like yours to harness the potential of blockchain, unlocking hidden efficiencies, creating new revenue streams, and gaining a competitive edge in the evolving digital landscape.


ConclaveDAO is committed to providing exceptional support to our clients. We have a team of experienced blockchain experts who are available to answer your questions, troubleshoot problems, and provide guidance throughout your project. We are also committed to staying up-to-date on the latest blockchain technologies and trends so that we can offer you the best possible solutions.


Our expertise extends beyond Aptos, allowing us to evaluate a wide range of blockchain platforms and protocols to find the best fit for each client's specific requirements. We also consider factors such as scalability, security, and regulatory compliance to ensure that our recommendations align with our clients' business objectives.


We are committed to maintaining our reputation for fast and responsive customer service. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help you succeed in the blockchain space.


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Blockchain Use Case Analysis

We identify actionable opportunities to integrate blockchain technology into your existing ecosystem, focusing on areas like supply chain management, identity management, data privacy, and tokenization.

Strategic Roadmap Development

We create a clear roadmap for your blockchain journey, outlining the steps needed to achieve your goals, from feasibility studies to pilot projects and full-scale implementation.

Technical Expertise

Our team of experienced blockchain developers and strategists are well-versed in various platforms and protocols, ensuring we deliver solutions that are secure, scalable, and future-proof.

Ongoing Support

We remain your trusted partner throughout your blockchain journey, providing ongoing support, maintenance, and training to ensure your success.

Developer Recommendations

We have an extensive network of talented blockchain developers across various blockchain platforms, including Aptos, Ethereum, and Solana. We can connect you with the best developers for your specific project requirements.

Our Team



Marketing Specialist




Co Founder


Exciting times ahead for our startup! While we may not have testimonials just yet, stay tuned because amazing stories and experiences are in the making. We're dedicated to delivering outstanding value, and soon you'll hear firsthand accounts of how our innovative solutions are making a positive impact. Your success stories will be our greatest testimonials, and we can't wait to share them with the world.

John Michal Digital Designer COMING SOON....
Steve Smith App Use COMING SOON....
Gordon Shaw Blogger COMING SOON....

Frequently Asked Questions


What benefits can blockchain offer established businesses?

Established businesses burdened by inefficiency, high costs, and trust issues can find a powerful ally in blockchain technology. This innovative system, akin to a secure, shared ledger, offers a wealth of benefits.

Is blockchain right for my industry?

Explore the transformative power of blockchain in our industry, From enhanced security to streamlined processes. Contact us to discover how blockchain can elevate your business.

What are the challenges of implementing Dapp on a blockchain?

Implementing DApps on a blockchain presents challenges such as scalability, interoperability, and user adoption. For more information on navigating these hurdles successfully, please feel free to contact us.

How much does blockchain consulting cost?

Curious about the cost of blockchain consulting? Reach out for personalized details. Your success is our priority.

Payment Method

Payment for our services is now available in Aptos ($APT). Stay tuned for upcoming card payment options.

How to inquire about partnership opportunities?

Interested in exploring partnership opportunities with us? Simply reach out via contact form below, We are look forward to discussing potential collaborations with you!

Contact us

For Consultation Booking and Partnership Inquiry.

Working Hours

Mon-Fri 9.00 AM to 5.00PM.

Invest in the Future of ConclaveDAO

By purchasing our ConclaveDAO NFT, You become an investor in our project and gain a share in our future success. Our NFTs represent fractional ownership rights, allowing you to participate in the project's profits and growth in a secure and transparent manner.